2018年7月2日 星期一

Gentlemen's agreement for present-day Gentleman

給現代紳士的"君子協定" - 身為家長/父母授予子女 "貴族精神" 之前自我完善 (身教比言教重要!) 終身學習計劃 ~

不是強制性或硬性規定! 其實只要有目標 (be a gentleman); 有時間表 (終身); 有行動大綱 (ACTION PLAN) 加上定期:一/三或十年省覽回顧反思 (REVIEW); 目標可成!

According to the wikipedia, "Gentleman involves a certain superior standard of conduct, means treating others, especially women, in a respectful manner and not taking advantage or pushing others into doing things they don't wish to do; ... their education and manners are indicative of a certain amount of refinement and intelligence"; besides, gentlemen were expected to act as moral guides to the rest of society based on Confucian principles.

Gentleman Journal also tell us the "18 things that make a gentleman in 2018" -

1 Never speak behind another’s back
2.Be Honest and Work hard
3 Never judge
4 Always RSVP
5 Understand the difference between confidence and arrogance
6 Know how to cook
7 Tell a worldly joke at a dinner party
8 Have clothes that fit and always be well-presented
9 Be on time
10 Treat service staff with respect
11 Lose well
12 Become a friend of a museum,concert hall or theatre
13 Write a thank you letter
14 Look after your shoes
15 Pick a signature scent
16 Be more generous with your time
17 Manage your diary better
18 Declutter your home

Being a gentleman is a "mark/standard of (moral) excellence" - as it is a lifelong learning process - so "never stop learning"!
"一位兼具品德, 學識, 智慧以及優雅舉止和修養的人, 將是世界上最完美的人 ... 雖然每個人都有自身的缺陷, 想要達到完美十分困難, 但你不要因此而放棄, 你要盡自己最大能力, 朝著這個目標努力. 每天進步一些, 總有一天會觸及這個目標 ..."

~ 《英國上流人士都在讀的》(Lord Chesterfield, 1694-1773)

p.s. 何謂"教養"?
教者"孝+文" 即孝順/尊敬長輩前輩; 提攜支持後輩 (mentoring); 加上廣博的學科知識(包括軟知識 SOFT SKILLS);
如能再具備養生知識, 及或懂得“上報四重恩,下濟三途苦” - 會更完美! 共勉之!
