2019年1月28日 星期一
日前經過書店, 見正在展示韓國"國師"金容沃(Young-oak Kim) 著作《大同──最古老的智慧、最實際的哲學,能否引領人類走向美麗新世界?(The Great Equal Society: Confucianism, China and the 21st Century)》
如果讀者對以下情形感到絕望 ── 在經濟領域中除了一味追求利益之外沒有別的選擇,在政治領域中利益團體無止境的爭吵 ── 作者將傳達充滿希望的訊息:即便在今日全球資本主義高度競爭的世界中,建立富有同情心與人性化的社會絕對有可能。這也是21世紀應該走的方向。而這不僅止於讓中國與美國借鏡,而是希望走向理想社會的全人類的事 (因為基督徒相信人死後才能上天堂, 但儒家認為天堂就在現世人間 : 理想社會就是大同世界!) <按: 或曰道家無冤結社會, 佛家人間淨土, 和諧社會等等>。
Credit: cp1897.com
同時大家一起重讀<禮記‧禮運‧大同篇> (原文和英譯)~
When the Great Way(or Principle) prevails, the whole is owned by all; they elect men of talents, virtue and ability; they practice honesty, and they cultivate universal peace. People love not only their own parents; they treat with parental care not only for their children. Provision is made so that the aged may live comfortably until their death, so that the able-bodied (those in the prime of life) may find employment, and so that the young may have he means of growing up. The widowers, widows orphans, childless, and those who are disabled by disease are all sufficiently maintained. Men have their work, and women have their home. They do not like goods to be wasted on the ground, but preserve them, not for themselves alone. They do not like their strength to be wasted in idleness, but spend it, not only for their won benefit. In this way selfish scheming are suppressed and have no chance of arising. Robbers, filchers and rebellious traitors do not exist. Hence, the outer doors can be left open, and need not be shut. This is what we call “Datong” (The Ideal World).
Sources: The ‘Liji’ or ‘Book of Rites’
p.s. 新年新開始新氣像, 大家中國人不如一起努力為世界各地人民樹立榜樣, 如金容沃所講, "一帶一路"不能拯救中國 (但我個人認為, 傳揚"對話交流, 溝通和合作 Dialogue & Exchange, Communication & Cooperation" 的"大絲路精神 (Greater Silk Road spirit) 仍然值得推廣!) 只有恢復了中國(道德)文明才能拯救中國; 這樣崛起的中國, 方能受到各國人民的尊重和歡迎! 共勉之!
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