2017年1月2日 星期一

學術源流考 (From Leibniz to A. Dixit)

2015年4月由於種種理由,未能參加一個學術講座, 但爭取時間親自到嶺南大學一趟, 登門拜訪主講的榮休教授 (Prof. Avinash Dixit), 求教有關企業防貪經驗, 大家就此交流意見和想法, 教授亦提供一些文章/報告作參考/討論基礎; 一次偶然機會上網 (wikipedia) 找尋資料, 原來仿照族譜尋祖, Dixit 教授一直往上推 (doctoral advisor<>doctoral students) 得出意外結果 -

An academic genealogy may be traced based on student's doctoral advisors, going up and down the lines of academic "descent" in a manner analogous to a traditional genealogy.

(16) Avinash Dixit (born August 6, 1944 in Bombay, India) is an Indian-American economist. He is currently John J. F. Sherrerd '52 University Professor of Economics Emeritus at Princeton University. Dixit has also held visiting scholar positions at the International Monetary Fund and the Russell Sage Foundation. He was President of the Econometric Society in 2001, and was Vice-President (2002) and President (2008) of the American Economic Association. In January 2016, India announced it will confer the Padma Vibhushan - the second highest of India's civilian honors to Dr. Dixit. His research area include governance and corruption. Influenced Paul Krugman.

(15) Robert Merton Solow (born August 23, 1924) is an American economist, particularly known for his work on the theory of economic growth that culminated in the exogenous growth model named after him. Three of his PhD students (Akerlof and Stiglitz, Diamond) became recipient for the Nobel Prize by themself.

(14) Wassily Wassilyevich Leontief (Russian: Васи́лий Васи́льевич Лео́нтьев; August 5, 1906 – February 5, 1999), was an American economist of half Russian-Jewish descent notable for his research on how changes in one economic sector may affect other sectors. Leontief won the Nobel Committee's Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1973, and four of his doctoral students have also been awarded the prize (Paul Samuelson 1970, Robert Solow 1987, Vernon L. Smith 2002, Thomas Schelling 2005).

(13) Ladislaus Josephovich Bortkiewicz (7 August 1868 – 15 July 1931) was Russian economist and statistician of Polish ancestry, who lived most of his professional life in Germany, where he taught at Strassburg University (Privatdozent, 1895–1897) and Berlin University (1901–1931).

(12) Wilhelm Lexis (17 July 1837, Eschweiler, Germany – 24 August 1914, Göttingen, Germany), full name Wilhelm Hector Richard Albrecht Lexis,was a German statistician, economist, and social scientist. The Oxford Dictionary of Statistics cites him as a "pioneer of the analysis of demographic time series". Lexis is largely remembered for two items that bear his name—the Lexis ratio and the Lexis diagram.

(11) August Beer (31 July 1825 – 18 November 1863) was a German physicist, chemist, and mathematician. Beer was born in Trier, where he studied mathematics and natural sciences. Beer was educated at the technical school and gymnasium of his native town until 1845, when he went to Bonn to study mathematics and the sciences under the mathematician and physicist Julius Plücker, whose assistant he became later. In 1848 he won the prize for his essay, "De Situ Axium Opticorum in Crystallis Biaxibus," and obtained the degree of Ph.D. Two years later he was appointed lecturer at the University of Bonn.

(10) Julius Plücker (16 June or 16 July 1801 – 22 May 1868) was a German mathematician and physicist. He made fundamental contributions to the field of analytical geometry and was a pioneer in the investigations of cathode rays that led eventually to the discovery of the electron. He also vastly extended the study of Lamé curves.

(9) Christian Ludwig Gerling (10 July 1788 – 15 January 1864) studied under Carl Friedrich Gauss, obtaining his doctorate in 1812 for a thesis entitled: Methodi proiectionis orthographicae usum ad calculos parallacticos facilitandos explicavit simulque eclipsin solarem die, at the University of Göttingen. He is notable for his work on geodetics and in 1927 some 60 letters of correspondence between Gerling and Gauss on the topic were published. He is also notable as the doctoral advisor of Julius Plücker.

(8) Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (Latin: Carolus Fridericus Gauss) (30 April 1777 Braunschweig – 23 February 1855 Göttingen) was a German mathematician who contributed significantly to many fields, including number theory, algebra, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, geophysics, mechanics, electrostatics, astronomy, matrix theory, and optics.

(7) Johann Friedrich Pfaff (sometimes spelled Friederich; 22 December 1765 – 21 April 1825) was a German mathematician. He was described as one of Germany's most eminent mathematicians during the 19th century. He was a precursor of the German school of mathematical thinking, which under Carl Friedrich Gauss and his followers largely determined the lines on which mathematics developed during the nineteenth century.

(6) Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (27 September 1719 – 20 June 1800) was a German mathematician and epigrammatist.He was known in his professional life for writing textbooks and compiling encyclopedias rather than for original research. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg was one of his doctoral students, and admired the man greatly. He became most well known for his epigrammatic poems. The crater Kästner on the Moon is named after him.

(5) Christian August Hausen (1693–1743) was a German mathematician who is known for his research on electricity.

(4) Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen (1663–1727) was a 17th-century German philologist. He received his magister's degree (the highest degree of the Faculty of Philosophy, equal to the doctorates) from the University of Leipzig in 1685. His dissertation, titled Disputationem Moralem De Divortiis Secundum Jus Naturae (Moral Disputation on Divorce according to the Law of Nature), was written under the direction of his father in law and advisor Otto Mencke. He was from 1692 until the time of his death a professor of Near Eastern languages and university librarian at the University of Wittenberg, and gave courses there in Philosophy and Hebrew.

(3) Otto Mencke (22 March 1644 – 18 January 1707) was a 17th-century German philosopher and scientist.

(2) Jakob Thomasius (27 August 1622 – 9 September 1684) was a German academic philosopher and jurist. He is now regarded as an important founding figure in the scholarly study of the history of philosophy. His views were eclectic, and were taken up by his son Christian Thomasius.

(1) Friedrich Leibniz (or Leibnütz; 1597–1652)was a Lutheran lawyer and a notary, registrar and professor of moral philosophy within Leipzig University. He was the father of Gottfried Leibniz. Leibniz is notable because his mathematical "descendants," which include Carl Friedrich Gauss, number more than 132,000. Leibniz was born in Altenburg, the son of Ambrosious Leibniz, a civil servant, and a Leipzig noblewoman named Anna Deuerlin.

這位萊布尼茲其實就是我們認識的戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼茲的父親 (在萊布尼茲6歲時去世,留下一個私人圖書館) 今年適逢其420周年誕辰 (1597-2017)。

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (born 1 July 1646 [O.S. 21 June] – November 14, 1716); a German polymath and philosopher who occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematics and the history of philosophy, having developed differential and integral calculus independently of Isaac Newton. Leibniz made major contributions to physics and technology, and anticipated notions that surfaced much later in philosophy, probability theory, biology, medicine, geology, psychology, linguistics, and computer science. He wrote works on philosophy, politics, law, ethics, theology, history, and philology.

除了受其父親薰陶, 萊布尼茲還有接受3位老師的指導-

I) Bartholomäus Leonhard von Schwendendörffer (2. August 1631 in Leipzig, 6. Juli 1705 ebenda) war ein deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler (德文, 即法學家)

II) Erhard Weigel (December 16, 1625 – March 21, 1699) was a German mathematician, astronomer and philosopher.

III) Christiaan Huygens, FRS (Latin: Hugenius) (14 April 1629 – 8 July 1695) was a prominent Dutch mathematician and scientist. He is known particularly as an astronomer, physicist, probabilist and horologist. His father Sir Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687) was a diplomat and advisor to the House of Orange, and also a poet and musician. His friends included Galileo Galilei, Marin Mersenne and René Descartes (笛卡兒).

Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564– 8 January 1642) was an Italian polymath: astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician, he played a major role in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. He has been called the "father of observational astronomy", the "father of modern physics", the "father of scientific method", and the "father of science". Inspired by Nicolas Copernicus.

Ostilio Ricci (1540–1603) was an Italian mathematician. Ricci is also known for being Galileo Galilei's teacher.

Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (1499/1500 in Brescia – 13 December 1557 in Venice) was an Italian mathematician, engineer (designing fortifications), a surveyor (of topography, seeking the best means of defense or offense) and a bookkeeper from the then-Republic of Venice (now part of Italy). He published many books, including the first Italian translations of Archimedes and Euclid, and an acclaimed compilation of mathematics. Tartaglia was the first to apply mathematics to the investigation of the paths of cannonballs, known as ballistics, in his Nova Scientia, “A New Science;” his work was later partially validated and partially superseded by Galileo's studies on falling bodies. He also published a treatise on retrieving sunken ships.

Nicolaus Copernicus (Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik; German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; 19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Polish mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe, likely independently of Aristarchus of Samos, who had formulated such a model before Copernicus.

伽利略是因為哥白尼而啟蒙,所以認為哥白尼所論為正,以比薩斜塔實驗、自製望遠鏡觀測星象,發現木星的四大衛星、土星有環等等,最後真正證實哥白尼和伽利略無誤的科學家,是近百年後的牛頓,已到了工業革命時期。網上查找的學術源流暫時停在這兒, 但與哥白尼和伽利略都在數學/哲學之下連繫上了...

萊布尼茲是最早接觸中華文化的歐洲人。萊布尼茲與其弟子吳爾夫(英语:Christian Wolff)主張西方人應效法儒家之道德觀與理性,補足基督教文明之缺陷。並且認為中國應派遣傳道師至歐洲傳授儒學,以達成世界大同之理想。

Confucianism influenced Gottfried Leibniz, who was attracted to the philosophy because of its perceived similarity to his own. It is postulated that certain elements of Leibniz's philosophy, such as "simple substance" and "preestablished harmony", were borrowed from his interactions with Confucianism.

到這裡大家比較熟悉了- 涉及孔子/老子:

Confucius (September 28, 551 – 479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity.

Confucius's principles had a basis in common Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong family loyalty," ancestor veneration, and respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives. He also recommended family as a basis for ideal government. He espoused the well-known principle "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", the Golden Rule.

Laozi (also Lao-Tzu or Lao-Tze, lit. "Old Master") was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is known as the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching and the founder of philosophical Taoism, and as a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions. There are many variations of a story retelling his encounter with Confucius, most famously in the Zhuangzi.

Wu wei (無爲), literally "non-action" or "not acting", is a central concept of the Tao Te Ching. The concept of wu wei is multifaceted, and reflected in the words' multiple meanings, even in English translation; it can mean "not doing anything", "not forcing", "not acting" in the theatrical sense, "creating nothingness", "acting spontaneously", and "flowing with the moment."

"孔子到孫中山"是我在大學(副修文史) 經常強調的"道統"; 老莊思想則是"道家哲學"源頭 (亦包括在 2006-2007年所修讀道教文化課程之"核心")

Confucianism was also a dominant influence on Dr. Sun Yat-sen. It inspired Dr. Sun's the "Three Principles of the People". Besides, in Changsha around 1911-1912, Mao Zedong was influenced by Sun Yat Sen's newspaper, The People's Independence (Minli bao), and called for Sun to become president in a school essay, Mao claimed himself to be Sun's "follower".

P.S. 歷代師公師伯成績斐然, 有此作推動力, 全力以赴, 2017年新年工作目標 - 做好手上工作! 共勉之!

3 則留言:

kenneth 提到...

至於自己從事法務會計仍以數學家盧卡·帕西奧利為"祖師" - Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (sometimes Paccioli or Paciolo; c. 1447–1517) was an Italian mathematician, Franciscan friar, collaborator with Leonardo da Vinci, and a seminal contributor to the field now known as accounting. He is referred to as "The Father of Accounting and Bookkeeping" and he was the first person to publish a work on the double-entry system of book-keeping. 卢卡·帕西奥利(意大利语:Luca Pacioli,有时也写成Paccioli或者Paciolo,1445年–1517年,又译作卢卡·帕乔利)意大利数学家,方济各会修士。他是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的好友,其在意大利各处的教学活动和编写的教材大大影响了后来的数学教学和研究。他在著作中对复式记账法的记载和研究被认为是会计学的开端,故被称为“会计学之父” (wikipedia)

kenneth 提到...


kenneth 提到...

2015年我曾以代表烏干達布尼奧羅國王(HM Omukama the King Rukirabasaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru I) 致當今荷蘭國王(HM the King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands)建議成立 Netherlands--Bunyoro Friendship Association (文化交流友好之類組織)