2024年11月27日 星期三

從 JD, 加州律師考試 , 到自學成才 ~

剛完成網上一個Executive Juris Doctor 課程 (超過20小時, 作為CPD, 以及重溫一些法律概念/知識) ~

The classes taught in this course include:

Contracts law - The study of the formation of contracts and the legal and equitable remedies available

Tort law - The study of intentional wrongs, negligence, and strict liability

Criminal law - The study of crimes against persons and property, the elements of culpability, and defenses

Property law - The study of moveable property (chattels) and immovable property (real estate), the acquisition of property, and the rights of landlords and tenants

Civil Procedure - The study of the process of how civil cases are filed, the discovery process, rules of court, and how cases advance through the court system

Criminal Procedure - The study of the process of how criminal cases are filed, the discovery process, rules of court, and, how such cases advance through the court system

Evidence - The study of the admissibility of evidence and the exceptions to the rule against hearsay

Family law - The study of community property, prenuptial agreements, and child custody issues

Wills - The study of memorial documents that distribute property, methods of distribution in cases of intestate succession

Trusts - The study of contractual agreements to distribute property

Corporations law - The study of organizational business entities, their attributes of personage, survivability, and how they can be utilized to protect assets

Constitutional law - The study of the U.S. Constitution, focusing on the Articles of Incorporation, the Bill of Rights, the Reconstruction amendments, and recent amendments

綜觀課程設計合同法佔一半以上, 根據網上資料, 加州接受 "非ABA認可(包括網上)課" 畢業生參加有關考試 ("Students may choose to become a licensed attorney through law schools that are not accredited by the ABA or approved by the State Bar of California Committee of Bar Examiners. Students attending these schools must also complete the First-Year Law Students' Examination (FYLSE, popularly known as the "baby bar") before receiving credit for their law study) ~ this exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering areas of law, including contracts, criminal, and tort. (可見合同法的重要性!)

提到合同法, 不得不提到"煙丸案" ~ 卡里爾訴碳酸煙球公司案(Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Company [1892])是由英格蘭和威爾斯上訴法院作出的一項英國合同法判決。該判決指出,包含獎勵條款的廣告可以構成具有約束力的要約,任何履行條款的人應視作承諾對其承諾。 本案主題奇特,法官(尤其是法官林德利勳爵和法官鮑文勳爵)創造的法律具有里程碑意義。本案是英美法中最著名的案件之一。卡里爾案經常作為入門的合同案例討論,且往往是法律系學生學習合同法時遇到的第一個案例。該案涉及一種「石碳酸煙球」,該產品據稱可以用於治療流感。製造商的廣告稱,如果消費者發現該產品不起作用,將獲得100英鎊獎勵。100磅在當時是一筆相當可觀的收入。法院將該廣告解釋為一項要約,消費者購買使用煙球則視為對該要約的承諾。買方無需通知賣方,雙方間的合同即成立。據此,法院認為該公司受到該廣告的約束。上訴法院認為,成立合同的基本要素本案中全部具備,包括要約、承諾、約因以及建立法律關係的意圖 The Court of Appeal held the essential elements of a contract were all present, including offer and acceptance, consideration and an intention to create legal relations, and rejected a number of defenses, including puffery) 

種種細節使我想起當年教授合同法的老師 ~ 姚棟華教授, 著作有《商業法與銀行法精解》、《合同法案例選釋》、《合同法及其應用》及《英漢‧漢英香港法律詞匯》~ 也是有關科目的教材/參考書;

姚師在課堂上曾不止一次強調 "法律是易學難應用" ! 姚師是香港大學榮譽文學士,曾獲倫敦律師會及英國法律學院頒授證書。曾任香港中文大學及香港理工學院商業學系法律講師,深圳大學法律系校外考試委員、法律研究所顧問及兼職副教授。

有關科目教材的合著者是陶凱元 (中國武漢大學法學學士及法學碩士。曾任廣州暨南大學經濟法學系副系主任,兼任廣州市國際經濟貿易律師事務所律師。曾參與撰寫之著作主要有:《中國經濟法教程》、《中國經濟法學》、《中國涉外經濟貿易法制管理》、《投資中國經濟法律大全》、《商業法與銀行法精解》及《中華法學大辭典(國際法卷)》。並在中、港的法律、財經雜誌期刊上發表論述多篇。) 1991-92年間是訪問學者, 筆者有幸聽其作為特別嘉賓主講的 "中國改革開放與經濟特區" ~ 查師姐在 2002年9月至2003年9月,曾赴加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學進修。2006年7月,加入中國民主促進會;2007年,當選民進廣東省委會副主委;2008年3月,出任廣東省知識產權局局長;2012年,當選民進中央常委、廣東省委會主委;2013年1月,當選廣東省政協副主席。2015年2月11日,辭去廣東省政協副主席職務。2013年12月28日,獲第十二屆全國人大常委會第六次會議任命為最高人民法院副院長。2018年1月,當選第十三屆全國政協委員。在不同的崗位上繼續講述中國法治的故事 !

回到美國律師考試, 加州律師考試包括什麼內容? The exam currently tests 13 different subject areas (It is widely considered one of the most difficult bar examinations in the United States) ,

Constitutional Law (Federal)
Contracts (Common Law and Uniform Commercial Code)
Criminal Law and Procedure
Evidence (Federal Rules of Evidence and the California Evidence Code)
Real Property
Wills (California law)
Civil Procedure (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the California Code of Civil Procedure)
Community Property (California law)
Professional Responsibility (California law and the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct)
Business Associations (Corporations, Agency, all forms of Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities)

原來在部份州份, 人們可以不經法學院而成為律師 ~ 學徙制 ~

Reading law was the primary method used in common law countries, particularly the United States, for people to prepare for and enter the legal profession before the advent of law schools. It consisted of an extended internship or apprenticeship under the tutelage or mentoring of an experienced lawyer. The practice largely died out in the early 20th century. A few U.S. states, namely California, Maine, New York, Vermont, Virginia and Washington, still permit people to become lawyers by reading law instead of attending some or all of law school, although the practice is rare.) In this sense, "reading law" specifically refers to a means of entering the profession, although in England it is still customary to say that a university undergraduate is "reading" a course, which may be law or any other.

這有其歷史背景 ~

In colonial America, as in Britain in that day, law schools did not exist at all until Litchfield Law School was founded in 1773. Within a few years following the American Revolution, some universities such as the College of William and Mary and the University of Pennsylvania established a "Chair in Law". However, the holder of this position would be the sole purveyor of legal education for the institution, and would give lectures designed to supplement, rather than replace, an apprenticeship. Even as a handful of law schools were established, they remained uncommon in the United States until the late nineteenth century. Most people who entered the legal profession did so through an apprenticeship which incorporated a period of study under the supervision of an experienced attorney. This usually encompassed the reading of the works considered at the time to be the most authoritative on the law, such as
Edward Coke's Institutes of the Lawes of England,
William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England,
and other similar texts, etc.

自學成為律師的最著名例子是林肯總統 (所以EJD課程副題是 Become a Lincoln Lawyer)

亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln, 1809.2.12~1865.4.15),這個名字對我們來說並不陌生。他是美國歷史上最偉大的總統之一,帶領美國度過了內戰的風暴。但你可知道,這位偉大的總統,小時候其實是個生活困苦的農家子弟,林肯出生在肯塔基州的一個小木屋裡。他的童年並不快樂,母親早逝,父親又忙於生計,他幾乎沒有受過正規教育。小時候,他主要的工作就是劈柴、耕田,過著艱苦的生活。但林肯卻是個愛讀書的孩子,只要一有空,他就捧著書本,如飢似渴地閱讀。

自學成才的總統 ~ 林肯的學習環境並不好,但他卻有著驚人的毅力。他借來書看,自己琢磨書中的內容,遇到不懂的問題,就去找別人請教。就這樣,林肯憑藉著自己的努力,掌握了大量的知識。他還自學了法律,成了一名出色的律師。

教育的重要性 ~ 林肯深知教育的重要性。他曾說:「教育是最好的資產,沒有人可以把它奪走。」雖然他自己沒有受過多少正規教育,但他卻非常重視教育。林肯當總統期間,積極推動教育事業的發展,為美國的教育事業做出了巨大的貢獻。

林肯與孩子們 ~ 林肯不僅是一位偉大的政治家,還是一位慈愛的父親。他非常疼愛自己的孩子,經常和他們一起玩遊戲、講故事。林肯的故事告訴我們,每一個孩子都有無限的潛力,只要我們給予他們足夠的關愛和教育,他們就一定能夠成長為有用的人才。

從林肯的小故事中我們知道 ~
1 走路去借書: 小時候的林肯為了借到書看,常常步行十幾公里。
2 自學法律: 林肯通過自學,成了一名出色的律師。
3 愛好閱讀: 林肯一生酷愛閱讀,他認為閱讀是最好的學習方式。
4 誠實守信: 林肯以誠實著稱,他曾經為了歸還多收的八分錢,步行數公里。


P.S. 其實自學成才的還有比如王雲五 ~

王雲五(1888年7月9日—1979年8月14日),原名之瑞,後改名雲五,字岫廬,籍貫廣東香山,生於上海,中國重要學者、思想家、教育家、出版家和政治家。王自學成材,在1920年代至1930年代主理商務印書館。1948年曾任財政部部長,期間推出金圓券發生惡性通貨膨脹。1949年後到臺灣,並主持台灣商務印書館。著有《物理與政治》、《中外圖書統一分類法》、《四角號碼檢字法》等。王雲五故居位於臺北市大安區新生南路三段19巷,為磚造雙併建築,已改建為王雲五紀念館。 王雲五也是胡適的老師,胡適在《四十自述》說:「我在中國公學兩年,受姚康侯和王雲五兩先生的影響很大,他們都最注重文法上的分析。所以我那時雖不大能說英國話,卻喜歡分析文法的結構,尤其喜歡拿中國文法來做比較。」1950年代,胡適寄居美國,他回台灣任中央研究院院長即由王雲五的力勸。

參考資料: 網絡, WIKI
