2008年3月11日 星期二

Taoist Ritual - Candidate for The Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity to be proclaimed in 2009/11

Taoist Ritual - Candidate for The Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity to be proclaimed in 2009/2011 ( 申報 "道教科儀" 成為聯合國人類非物質文化遺產)

受上月法國總統揚言將 "法國美食" 申報成為聯合國人類非物質文化遺產消息啟發, 本人再一次提出以上建議, 但先要了解一下何謂 Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity- (sources: UNESCO)

What is Intangible Cultural Heritage?
According to the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) – or living heritage – is the mainspring of our cultural diversity and its maintenance a guarantee for continuing creativity.
The Convention states that the ICH is manifested, among others, in the following domains:
Oral traditions and expressions including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage;
Performing arts (such as traditional music, dance and theatre);
Social practices, rituals and festive events;
Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe;
Traditional craftsmanship.

The 2003 Convention defines ICH as the practices, representations, expressions, as well as the knowledge and skills, that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognise as part of their cultural heritage.
The definition also indicates that the ICH to be safeguarded by this Convention:
is transmitted from generation to generation;
is constantly recreated by communities and groups, in response to their environment, their interaction with nature, and their history;
provides communities and groups with a sense of identity and continuity;
promotes respect for cultural diversity and human creativity;
is compatible with international human rights instruments;
complies with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, and of sustainable development.

The ICH is traditional and living at the same time. It is constantly recreated and mainly transmitted orally. It is difficult to use the term authentic in relation to ICH; some experts advise against its use in relation to living heritage (see the Yamato Declaration: English French).

The depository of this heritage is the human mind, the human body being the main instrument for its enactment, or – literally – embodiment. The knowledge and skills are often shared within a community, and manifestations of ICH often are performed collectively.

Many elements of the ICH are endangered, due to effects of globalization, uniformization policies, and lack of means, appreciation and understanding which – taken together – may lead to the erosion of functions and values of such elements and to lack of interest among the younger generations.

The Convention speaks about communities and groups of tradition bearers, without specifying them. Time and again it was stressed by the governmental experts who prepared the draft of the Convention that such communities have an open character, that they can be dominant or non dominant, that they are not necessarily linked to specific territories and that one person can very well belong to different communities and switch communities.

The Convention introduces, by establishing the Representative List, the idea of “representativeness”. “Representative” might mean, at the same time, representative for the creativity of humanity, for the cultural heritage of States, as well as for the cultural heritage of communities who are the bearers of the traditions in question.

See also the Preamble of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

有了基本認識, 我們再看看近鄰韓國如何申報他們的"皇家祭祀儀式" :

Proclamation 2001: "The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music"

The Jongmyo Shrine in Seoul is the setting for a Confucian ritual dedicated to the ancestors of the Joseon dynasty (14th to the 19th century) that encompasses song, dance and music. The ritual is practised once a year on the first Sunday in May and is organized by the descendants of the royal family. It offers a unique example of a Confucian ritual, which is no longer celebrated in China. The tradition is inspired by classical Chinese texts concerning the cult of ancestors and the notion of filial piety. It also includes a prayer for the eternal peace of the ancestors’ spirits in a shrine conceived as their spiritual resting place.

The order of the ceremony was defined in the fifteenth century and most elements have remained unchanged until today. During the rite, the priests, dressed in ritual costume with a crown for the king and diadems for the others, make offerings of food and wine in ritual vessels. The Jongmyo Jerye is music played to accompany the rituals and is performed on traditional instruments, such as gongs, bells, lutes, zithers and flutes. The dances are performed by 64 dancers in 8 lines representing the opposing yet complementary forces of Yin and Yang as set out in the Confucian texts.The Munmu dance, accompanied by the harmonious and soothing Botaepyong music, is characterized by a first step to the left. While the Munmu dance symbolizes the force of the Yang, the Mumu dance, accompanied by Jeongdaeeop music and characterized by a movement to the right, represents the force of the Yin.

The ancestral ritual is nowadays often considered to be devoid of meaning, especially in the context of the growing importance of Christianity. However, the ritual and its music are protected through the National List of Intangible Heritage and the 1982 Law for the Protection of Cultural Property.

韓國能, 我們也能, 事在人為而已. 且看 "道教科儀"...

齋醮科儀 ( 作者 閔 智亭 )












還有科儀經典, 道藏都可以用作 "申遺" 佐證, 問題是有多少同道中人聯手辦妥這件盛事 !

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P.S.: 所以要向聯合國教科文組織呈報的資料 (有系統整理, 最好附上影音存檔) 包括: 去年舉辦的丁亥年羅天大醮, 一年一度的長洲太平清醮, 每晚進行的大小法事; 而且道士為準備齋醮法事前的齋戒沐浴, 穿著的道袍, 使用的法器(音樂), 充滿舞台感的表現 (還有獨特的咒語/步罡); 及科儀本身的教化/ 警世價值.